Benq Case Study – Coomera Anglican College


Coomera Anglican College, a tech-savvy school in Queensland, Australia, was looking to improve communications both inside and outside the classroom. The school wanted a system that could better engage students’ attention and enhance student interactions while also facilitating more robust messaging and content sharing across the campus.


Having had a positive experience with BenQ during the school’s previous tech upgrade, the staff at the college were keen to adopt BenQ’s X-Sign Broadcast, a full-fledged content distribution service that’s compatible with a wide range of devices, from PCs and Macs to iOS and Android phones and tablets.


X-Sign Broadcast’s integration into Coomera Anglican College went smoothly and the benefits have been massive. Class time has become more fun and interactive, and teachers, students, and staff are better able to communicate both during and outside of class. Furthermore, the number of tech support tickets related to classroom displays has dropped significantly since the introduction of X-Sign Broadcast.


Managed Services – Coomera Anglican College


Benq — Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School